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  • Asahi Super Dry 330ml
    Asahi Super Dry 330ml

    Asahi Super Dry 330ml

    Alcoholpercentage 5 %

    Japanese Karakuchi Dry beer

    € 3,50
  • Sapporo 330ml
    Sapporo 330ml

    Sapporo Japans Bier 330mlAlcoholpercentage 4,7%
    Selling of alcohol to persons under 18 is not allowed. The purchase of this product Seikatsu can contact the customer to verify his or her age.

    € 3,50
  • Iki Yuzu 330ml
    Iki Yuzu 330ml

    IKI YUZU Brand: Iki

    Country: Netherlands

    Type: Herb - Spice beer

    Alc.Vol.: 4.5% Plato:13.5

    Content: 330ml

    Iki Beer with green tea and yuzu is a fresh light beer. It fills your mouth with a clear umami flavor, followed by a…

    € 3,50
  • Owa Amber 330ml
    Owa Amber 330ml

    OWA AMBERType: Amber
    Taste: Caramel notes and dry aftertaste. Refreshing.
    Alcohol by volume: 5.5%
    Bottle size: 33cl & 75cl & 20LAdvice from the Brewer: This beer is excellent to drink in combination with Sushis with soy sauce and…

    € 3,80
  • Kirin Ichiban 330ml
    Kirin Ichiban 330ml

    KIRIN ICHIBAN BEERJapanese Ichiban Kirin beerKirin Ichiban – the premium beer made from premium ingredients, brewed for those who enjoy only the finest.
    It enhances the happy times with your family and close friends. It also…

    € 3,50
  • Iki Ginger Japanese Beer 330ml
    Iki Ginger Japanese Beer 330ml

    IKI JAPANESE BEER (GINGER) 330 MLJapanese Green tea & GingerBrand: Iki

    Country: Netherlands

    Type: Herb - Spice beer

    Alc.Vol.: 5.5% Plato: 10.0

    Content: 330ml

    Ginger is an amber colored beer with a rich crispy taste. Take a…

    € 3,50
  • Hitachino Nest Lager beer  330ml  5.5%
    Hitachino Nest Lager beer 330ml 5.5%

    HITACHINO NEST LAGER 330ML 5.5%Japanese special beerBrand: Hitachino Nest

    Country: Japan

    Type: Lager

    Alc.Vol.: 5.5% Plato: 13.4

    Content: 330ml

    Hitachino Nest Lager is bottom fermentated beer with light color. Well-balanced…

    € 4,50
  • Hitachino Nest Lager White Ale  330ml  5.5%
    Hitachino Nest Lager White Ale 330ml 5.5%

    HITACHINO NEST WHITE ALE 330ML 5.5%Japanese special beerHitachino Nest Lager is one of the largest beer breweries in Japan. While it is pouring a golden, yellow hue, Hitachino Lager gives a powerful scent of passion fruit and…

    € 4,50
  • Hitachino Nest Amber  Ale 330ml  6.0%
    Hitachino Nest Amber Ale 330ml 6.0%

    HITACHINO NEST AMBER ALE 330ML 6.0%Japanese special beerHitachino Nest Lager is one of the largest beer breweries in Japan. While it is pouring a golden, yellow hue, Hitachino Lager gives a powerful scent of passion fruit and…

    € 4,50
  • Hitachino DaiDai IPA Ale 330ml  6.2%
    Hitachino DaiDai IPA Ale 330ml 6.2%

    HITACHINO DAIDAI ALE 330ML 6.0%Japanese special beerIPA BEER

    Hitachino Nest Lager is one of the largest beer brewery in Japan. While pouring a golden, yellow hue, Hitachino Nest Lager emits a mighty scent of passion fruit and…

    € 4,50
  • Hitachino Real Ginger Ale 330ml  8.0%
    Hitachino Real Ginger Ale 330ml 8.0%

    HITACHINO REAL GINGER ALE 330ML 8.0%Japanese special beerHitachino Nest Lager is one of the largest beer brewery in Japan. While pouring a golden, yellow hue, Hitachino Nest Lower emits a mighty scent of passion fruit and mango.…

    € 4,50
  • Hitachino Nest Yuzu Ginger Non Ale Beer 330ml  5.5%
    Hitachino Nest Yuzu Ginger Non Ale Beer 330ml 5.5%

    HITACHINO NEST YUZU GINGER NON ALE 330ML 0.3%Japanese special beerMerk: Hitachino Nest

    Land: Japan

    Type: Lager

    Alc.Vol .: 0.3% Plato: 13,4

    Inhoud: 330ml

    Hitachino Nest Lager is bier van lagere gisting in lichte kleuren.…

    € 4,50

Sale of alcohol to persons under the age of 18 is not permitted. When selling this product Seikatsu can contact the customer to verify his or her age.

Japanese beer types

Asahi super dry beer

Asahi stands for the 'rising sun' in Japanese.

The breweries have been started together with Suntory since 1889 and created the top 4 most popular Japanese brewers.

As with many other industrial and technological pursuits, the Japanese breweries may not have had a long and rich beer tradition of making beer.

The Japanese brewers have embraced the beer brewing, and have finally maken great catch-ups in the production of beer. From the development of the 'super dry' brewing process of streamlining the brewing and packaging, the Japanese brewers have overtaken their brewing technology compared to the rest of the world.

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