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  • Korean Rice wine Bekseju 375ml
    Korean Rice wine Bekseju 375ml

    BAEKSEJU RICE WINE 375MLKooksundang 국순당 백세주

    A spicy wine with a historical character from ancient Asia, where people have been using vegetable medicines and alcohol for years.

    Korean rice wine with Korean medicinal…

    € 11,95
  • Korean Crushed Pear Juice 238ml
    Korean Crushed Pear Juice 238ml

    CRUSHED PEAR JUICEHaitai 해태 갈아만든 배​Korean pear juice are juicy and sweet. While enjoying this drink, consumers can chew the crushed pears inside. It is like as if one is actually eating the pear fruit. Since its…

    € 1,95
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