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  • Korean Crushed Pear Juice 238ml
    Korean Crushed Pear Juice 238ml

    CRUSHED PEAR JUICEHaitai 해태 갈아만든 배​Korean pear juice are juicy and sweet. While enjoying this drink, consumers can chew the crushed pears inside. It is like as if one is actually eating the pear fruit. Since its…

    € 1,95
  • Korean Grape Juice with pulp 238ml Bong Bong
    Korean Grape Juice with pulp 238ml Bong Bong

    KOREAN GRAPE JUICE BONG BONGKorean grape juice with pulp​Haitai 해태 포도봉봉​A special Korean grape juice drink. The Korean grape juice actually contains real pieces of grapes. It can not be more pleasant.


    € 1,65

Korean soda drink

Like Korean meals and Korean snacks, Korean soda drinks are always insanely interesting and fun, while wildly different from one another and from soda drinks that are popular in most other countries.

Whether you are looking for something warm, something sweet, or something that will fill you up, go and check following soda drinks, you can find at least one which is perfect for you.

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